Board Agenda

USD 426 Board of Education

Monday, January 13, 2025

Pike Valley Board Room, Scandia

Regular Board of Education Meeting - 12:00 p.m.

  1. Call to Order

  2. Roll Call

  3. Additions to and adoption of Agenda

  4. Communications, Hearings, and Open Forum

  5. Approve Consent Agenda

    1. Approve Minutes of December 9, 2024 Regular Meeting

    2. Approve Donations

    3. Approve Financial Reports and Payment of Bills

  6. Audit Presentation -- Derek Bruna

  7. Curriculum Corner -- Future City Presentation

  8. Executive Session -- Non-elected Personnel

  9. Executive Session -- Negotiations

  10. New Business

    1. Approve audit findings as presented

    2. Approve agreement with Bruna Auditing Services for 2025-2026

    3. Approve Principal contract extension

    4. Approve to move money from one back to another to cover expenses

  11. Principals' Reports

  12. Superintendent Report

    1. Updates on projects -- plumbing, landscaping, roof

    2. Needs Assessment -- Including bond funds

    3. Football Meetings -- thinking of having a couple in March

  13. Adjournment