Plan for Safe Return

USD 426 was able to have in person school the entire school year last year and we look forward to another successful year in 2024-25. As part of the federal government allotting many dollars to states and school districts, we must post our basic plan for the continuity of school services.
USD 426 plans to start the school year as we ended this past year, no masks, but will continue all cleaning and hygiene protocols. All guidelines that we had this past year will be followed until further notice.
We will continue with our plan using social distancing wherever possible and especially in large group gatherings (lunch, concerts, etc.)
If there is a confirmed case of COVID, we will continue to work with our county health organizations in the requirements of quarantine and testing. We will continue to work with them in regards to contact tracing, diagnostic and screen testing.
Vaccinations were provided and offered last school year. We will continue to work with county health in regards to continued vaccination offerings for those that might feel more comfortable with the process.
As with all areas of our USD 426 education, we will continue to focus on providing equity for all students, including those with disabilities.
We will continue to work with local, county, and state officials as the need arises.
We want everyone to understand that we will always keep everyone’s safety and well being at the forefront. We will be prepared to move to online if needed and ask that all families be aware of this possibility moving forward.
At any time, we may be forced to move to the mask requirement once again, but only in situations that we have confirmed cases driving that decision.
The District will continue our efforts in observing and being aware of the social emotional aspect that this pandemic has caused in relation to learning, mental health and overall well being.
The District is aware of the academic concerns associated with the pandemic and are continuing to put in place programs to address those concerns.
Please feel free to give Mr. Joonas a call with any questions or concerns about this plan. It can be adjusted at any time with patron and board input.